Behind Adoption Truth & Transparency – Cofounders Vance Twins

Jenette and Janine Vance Twins: Writing Sabbaticals & Reiki Retreats for Busy Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Adoption Truth and Transparency For the Audio Interview, visit here: Exposing the Adoption Truth & Supporting Those In Need Excerpt from The Last American Vagabond: Part 3 Organizations Exposing the Truth Janine Vance and her twin sister, Jenette, were adopted in 1972 from Seoul, South Korea to the United States. At 25 years old, shortly after her adoptive mother passed … Read More

Exclusive BBC Interview: Author Janine Vance Talks Candidly

Author Janine (Vance Twins) interviewed by BBC May 2022

Author Janine (Vance Twins) Talks Honestly to BBC About The Challenges of International Adoption BBC Sounds host Beatriz de la Pava talks to two women born in Colombia and South Korea about trying to fit in and discovering more about their roots: “What’s it like being adopted into a country far away from your birth and into a family that … Read More

Embracing Progress and Equality: The Renegade Vance Twins in Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network

Jenette and Janine Vance Twins: Writing Sabbaticals & Reiki Retreats for Busy Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

In 2011, the Vance Twins spearheaded the establishment of the Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network. This is a vibrant community of domestic, late-discovery, transracial, and internationally adopted individuals, along with families separated by adoption from all corners of the globe. This unique activist organization has revolutionized the dialogue surrounding adoption, shifting the focus from profit-driven interests to the … Read More

왜, 어떻게 우리가 사회정의를 외치기 시작했나 – 당신도 할 수 있다. 글쓴이: 밴스 쌍둥이. 전문 기고가.

Jenette and Janine Vance Twins: Writing Sabbaticals & Reiki Retreats for Busy Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

왜, 어떻게 우리가 사회정의를 외치기 시작했나 – 당신도 할 수 있다. 글쓴이: 밴스 쌍둥이. 전문 기고가. 안녕하세요. 이 글은 독자들에게 저와 제 동생이 싸워야 했던 개인적인 도전에 대해 소개하기 위해 쓴 것입니다. 우리 자매는 70년대 한국의 ‘길거리에서’ 미아로 발견됐다고 들었습니다. 입양 기관에서는 ‘고아 증명서’까지 만들어 서류를 첨부했기 때문에 우리는 미국 살던 내내 그것을 사실로 받아들일 수 밖에 없었죠. 다른 많은 … Read More

Northwest Asian Weekly Interviews Janine Vance (From The Vance Twins)

Author Janine Myung Ja's presentation

Northwest Asian Weekly Article: Janine Vance Searches for the Truth About Korean Adoptees Imagine for a minute that you don’t know who your mother is. Now imagine that you are that mother, and you don’t know what became of your daughter. Imagine the questions that the daughter would live with on a daily basis. Why did my mom give me … Read More

HuffPost: Voices of Adoptionland compiled by the Vance Twins

Rev. Dr. Janine Vance’s books are mentioned in Huffington Post: AdoptionLand: From Orphans to Activists is an indispensable contribution to adoption literature, compiled by Janine and Jenette Vance. The essays, poems, and letters in this compilation reflect the thoughts, feelings, the souls of those who inhabit Adoptionland — a place of truth and acceptance for the casualties of the demand … Read More

HuffPost Book Reviews: Adoptionland & Adoption History

Read the complete HuffPost article: Voices From AdoptionLand. Compiled by Janine and Jenette Vance, AdoptionLand: From Orphans to Activists is an indispensable contribution to adoption literature. The essays, poems, and letters in this compilation reflect the thoughts, feelings, the souls of those who inhabit Adoptionland — a place of truth and acceptance for the casualties of the demand for children.  … Read More

Korean-born twins, known as Janine and Jenette Vance

Vance Twins Rise From The Dread Submission Form

Korean Broadcasting Station (KBS World)| People and Korean News Weekly interview the twins. Representatives of Korean Adoptees Worldwide. Janine과 Jenette Vance는 1972년 미국인 부부에게 보내졌습니다. 쌍둥이는 서울 거리의 상자에서 발견되었다는 말을 듣고 평생 의심의 여지 없이 이 이야기를 믿었습니다. 35세의 나이에 Vance 쌍둥이는 2007년 국제 입양인 모임을 위해 대한민국 서울로 향합니다. 쌍둥이는 이 기회를 이용하여 자신의 기원에 대한 답을 찾기 … Read More