Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium

Symposium Team fun Photo

“I recently attended the Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium organized by Jenette and Janine and I thought it was very powerful to hear the different stories, experiences, and perspectives from adoptees (transracial and domestic) as well as birth parents. I think bringing together everyone who is affected by the adoption process was eye-opening and a testament to coming together as a community. Thank you Vance Twins for setting up this amazing event.” Chris Carr, AAAW President

“The ACT Symposium was educational, insightful, and inspiring. With an excellent selection of many people involved in reform. Everything was well done. An amazing emcee, professionally designed brochures, and a phenomenal venue within walking distance from hotels, and restaurants. Every detail was so well planned. I can’t wait to attend the next one!” – Robin Davis, Member of Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network

We invite you to see things anew through the lens of our outstanding members from Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network and the researchers and field investigators at Against Child Trafficking. You’ll learn more than you ever thought possible and expand your mind in a miraculous way. We always keep our information fresh through our special events, educational lectures, and temporary exhibitions. See life through the lens of individuals who had been adopted domestically, transracially, and internationally. You will also hear the vitally important narratives from siblings and families separated by adoption and parents of loss.

Photo gallery of the symposium in action with the Dream Team.